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potloc x printemps des etudes

Potloc is at Printemps des Études!

The new standard in consumer research for B2B & B2C.
Come see us at Booth #34 
 September 23 & 24  2021 | Palais Brongniart | Paris
Le nouveau standard des études consommateurs B2C & B2B.

Why choosing Potloc?

Potloc at Printemps des Études

Surveys that people want to answer

Knowing how to ask relevant questions in an efficient way to unpaid respondents on social networks requires real expertise. Our teams can help you build questionnaires optimized for social networks that will increase your response rates.

Extract insights from niche audiences

Leverage our social media sampling technology to understand your target audiences better and discover new business opportunities.

Research that answers your questions

Turn raw responses into actionable data to drive strategic decisions using Potloc's interactive dashboard. As a partner in your success, our team of experts can - upon request - perform a comprehensive analysis.

Meet our team at Printemps des Études